Turbines. Invented by Charles Parsons. I know I'm in middle school, but we are just learning about hydroelectric power.
<span>Actually energy is the capacity to do work. It is not moving. It is transmitted, propagated, dissippated, or radiated. It depends upon what type of energy it is. Heat energy is dissippated through conduction, convection or radiation. For conduction the particles must be in contact. For convection the particles which posses the energy must ba able to move about. For radiation, even without a material medium the energy is transmitted in the form of waves. Eg. energy from the sun. When a stone is dropped in still water the energy is imparted to the water surface. This energy is distributed all over the water surface in the form of circular waves (ripples). Electrical energy - through conducting wires or electromagnetic radiation. Light energy & sound energy are through waves.</span>
4 billion years ago the temperature was much higher due to repeated volcanoes and hot gases present in the atmosphere. There weren't any live forms on earth. ... The atmosphere had a different concentration of gases on the earth. There were no life sustaining gases.
cancer results not from a single flawed gene, but rather the interplay of multiple genes and any accumulated damage to DNA caused by environmental factors such as exposure to chemicals, or aspects of lifestyle, such as smoking