Sahel. The Sahel is a narrow band of semi-arid land that forms a transition zone between the Sahara to the north and the savannas to the south. It is made up of flat, barren plains that stretch roughly 5,400 kilometers (3,300 miles) across Africa, from Senegal to Sudan.
Make me brainliest!!!!!!
It would be the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union in which Reagan fought any progressive movements like the Sandinistas in NIcaragua by funding the contras and also he bombed Kaddafi in Libya by trying to make him out to be a tyrant when in fact it turns out that he transformed Libya into one of the most modern and progressive countries in Africa under him.
IHDK = I honestly don't know but I think it is A?
A, B, and C. Mesopotamia was in the middle of a desert, and the only reason it was farmable was because it lay between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which flooded yearly to water the ground.