The event that caused the Southern states to secede was the election of Abraham Lincoln as the President of the United States. Many maintain that the primary cause of the war was the Southern states’ desire to preserve the institution of slavery.
The construction camps were beset with malaria, cholera, and starvation. The ties and some bridges were made of immature green wood that buckled and created maintenance headaches all along the 5,772-mile route – about a fourth of the circumference of the earth – that would not be tied together until 1901.Originally, in the east, the Russians secured Chinese permission to build a line directly across Manchuria (the Chinese Eastern Railway) from the Transbaikal region to Vladivostok; this trans-Manchurian line was completed in 1901. ...It allowed people to reach the remote regions and exploit Siberia's natural resources.
Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, (February 27, 1776), in the American Revolution, battle in which North Carolina Revolutionaries defeated a force of North Carolina loyalists, in part thwarting a British invasion of the southern colonies.
Once under British control, regulations were imposed on the colonies that allowed the colony to produce only raw materials and to trade only with Britain. Many colonists resented the Navigation Acts because they increased regulation and reduced their opportunities for profit, while England profited from colonial work.