One big difference between osmosis and diffusion is that both solvent and solute particles are free to move indiffusion, but when we talk aboutosmosis, only the solvent molecules (water molecules) cross the membrane. ... When people discussosmosis in biology, it always refers to the movement of waters
I believe it is A, but I could be wrong.
I think this, because when it says, "Other, less useful, versions of the genetic code were eliminated gradually throughout the course of evolution", I think it referencing to the fact that all animals and etc, are made up of common codes, and how over time, through evolution, certain codes were eliminated, because creatures were evolving.
Look it up on google , i had this same question and google helped me. i can’t remember the answer or i’d tell u
Hypothalamus is a part of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. It helps maintain the internal environment constant by regulating major processes in the body such as the heart rate and the body temperature. It is therefore, both a neural and endocrine organ.
Seismic waves are the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs. There are several different kinds of seismic waves, and they all move in different ways.