A) Non-Revolving
There are two types of payment option, revolving credit and non-revolving credit.
For non-revolving credit, there is a fixed interest rate and fixed monthly payment according to agreement to payoff the loan. The consumers fixed monthly payment in this case is $250. Unlike non-revolving credit, there is no fixed payment amount in revolving credit.
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Answer: The Church as the most important European institution.
The Church, as the most important European medieval institution, spread its dogmatic norms in various ways. Since it was founded in the Western Roman Empire, it quickly spread to the rest of Europe. There are different ways to spread the influence of this institution. Conquering other peoples is one of those methods. The Church had a great influence on the rulers, so they promoted the Church and its ideals. The Church expanded in parallel with Catholicism, the missionary activity of church ministers the Church also expanded its influence. Throughout history, the Church has spread in an unpopular way, that is, through inquisitorial courts. The Inquisition used various violent methods to expand church influence.
Answer: The house of Representatives has the responsibility to impeach a Government official
While the Senate has the sole power to conduct impeachment trial.
The Senate has the power to approve treaties made by the Executive.
The house of Representatives have the power to investigate and carry out oversights of the Executive and Judiciary.
Both houses have the power to penalize and expel it members who disobeys the rules of both houses by two-thirds majority voting.
Explanation: The Senate is the upper chamber of the United States of America house of assembly (Congress) it contains 100members,made up of equal representation from each states making the Federation. It has the sole power to conduct impeachment trials acting as judge.
The house of Representatives is the lower chamber of Congress, made up 435 members,one of the duties of the house of Representatives is to impeach Government officials found wanting as it regards the Law or abuse of office.
Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Iceland. Those are the only ones I can think of