In an office, every employee has an absolute and comparative advantage depending on the type of work he/she is best at.
In Hector's office, the employee Sasha worked as a computer designer and was excellent in her work. This means that the employee Sasha had an absolute and comparative advantage as she was efficient in her work and hence, there was no opportunity cost of her side of work.
The employee, Maurice was best in logo designing. Hence, he had a absolute and comparative advantage as he was good in logo designing and their was no other opportunity cost for his work.
Acknowledgement is known as a declaration made by a person before a public officer that he/she freely and voluntarily executed a deed or other instrument.
Acknowledgement is also defined as the acceptance of the truth pertaining to a case. It helps in investigation processes too.There are conditions attached to this type of declaration such as lesser penalties for the crime committed in most climes of the world.
Sự tiến hóa và bản chất của khoa học
Khoa học là một cách đặc biệt để biết về thế giới. Trong khoa học, những lời giải thích chỉ giới hạn ở những gì có thể suy ra từ dữ liệu có thể kiểm chứng - những quan sát đã dẫn đến những lời giải thích thuyết phục về cách các sinh vật tiến hóa
Hi there!
The Holy Trinity is immensely important to Christians because it contains the three forms of God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I'm not sure how much information you need, so if you need more, just ask. ;)