Answer: oil
explanation: in canada and the us it is written that oil is found within the list of resources, but is missing in the list for mexico.
Sparta had a highly unusual system of government.
Two kings ruled the city, but a 28-member 'council of elders' limited their powers.
These men were recruited from the highest social class, the aristocratic Spartiates. Rather like medieval knights, the Spartiates were a class of military professionals who lived most of their lives in communal barracks. Rarely seeing their wives and children, their lands were farmed by slaves, leaving them free to pursue to the arts of war.
Beneath this highest class was a middle class, called the Perioeci. Made up of a farmers and artisans who were the descendants of those peoples whom the Spartans had first conquered, the Perioeci paid taxes and could serve in the army, but had no real political rights.
At the bottom were the helots: a slave class descended from those peoples who had resisted subjugation by Sparta. Because the helots were constantly rebelling, the Spartans attempted to control them by forming a secret society that annually murdered any helot suspected of encouraging subversion.
white didn't belive in sharing with the blacks in the south of course .The first steps toward official segregation came in the form of “Black Codes.” These were laws passed throughout the South starting around 1865, that dictated most aspects of Black peoples' lives, including where they could work and live . Analyses of four distinct causal factors for segregation can be distilled from the existing literature that employs these approaches: economic status, job location, preferences for housing or neighborhood attributes, and discrimination. how it eneded . On this day 55 years ago, America finally outlawed segregation. President Lyndon Johnson greets the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights
After World War II, America was in an economic position that, although recovering from the Great Depression and the effects of the war, needed much social help for both workers and war heroes returned to the civil life. For this reason, American society continued to need some measures of socioeconomic containment, such as those established in the New Deal, to avoid a contraction that could once again harm the quality of life of Americans. These programs were subsequently taken up in programs like Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, which in turn adopted various ideas raised by President Kennedy.
The truth is that not only the Democrats defended these ideas: the Republicans, aware of the need for society, took a surprising turn towards moderation and accepted these measures, giving a "liberal consensus" to guarantee a full economic recovery and avoid a relapse in the middle of the Cold War.