Converting Native peoples to Catholicism. This was arguably a noble venture in the minds of the colonists - by converting the Natives, they thought, they were saving their souls. Friars and Jesuits, by the way, were both orders of Catholic priests.
".spammmm sorry I just need pointsss"
He was a populist member of the Democratic Party and rose to national prominence during the Great Depression for his vocal criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, which Long deemed not radical enough.
Plato was actually a student of Socrates. Their ideals were
almost similar but they did differ as far as their opinion on democracy was
concerned. Socrates was a great believer in democracy. He was of the opinion
that the people possessed real knowledge and all good things were within the
people. So he believed that democracy was the only way to gain happiness. Plato
on the other hand did not believe in pure democracy, but he believed in
Republic Democracy, which is a mixture of democracy and oligarchy.