Equality is giving everyone the same amount of something. Equity is giving those who are in need more of something in order to help them be equal with others. For example, an equalist will give everyone the same amount of food regardless of their size. An equitist, on the other hand, will give food in accordance to one's size. In my opinion, both have their pros and cons.
non-participant observation research method
In non-participant observation studies, Greg is not part of the group being studied. He decides in advance precisely what kind of behaviour is relevant to the study and can be realistically and ethically observed. He observes the way students talk to each other. He makes notes on the words used, the atmosphere of the school and the way the students present themselves to each other.The observation can be carried out in a few different ways. Observation does not only include noting what happened or was said but also the fact that a specific behaviour did not occur at the time of observation.
Inner reality.
This movement, Symbolism, had the recurrent theme of showing the inner reality of characters mostly in literature but also in art. Not rarely writers would show irrational fears; given that they showed interest in religion and spirituality, contrary to naturalism and realism styles. As a tool, they would picture ordinary things over ideal ones, grotesque over beauty, scary over calm. All in all, their depictions of the inner world of their art is the characterization of this movement.
The highest Christian population in the middle East are the b: Copts
Answer: Because they wanted religious freedom and they could'nt have that in England, so they went to find new land.