Intrinsic value: 53.41 dollars
First, we use the CAPM model to know the value of the stock
risk free 0.085
premium market =(market rate - risk free) = 0.045
beta(non diversifiable risk) 1.3
Ke 0.14350
Now we need to know the present value of the future dividends:
D0 = 2.8
D1 = D0 x (1+g) = 2.8 * 1.23 = 3.444
D2 3.444 x 1.23 = 4.2361200
The next dividends, which are at perpetuity will we solve using the dividned grow model:

In this case dividends will be:
4.23612 x 1.07 = 4.5326484
return will be how return given by CAPM and g = 7%
plug this into the Dividend grow model.

value of the dividends at perpetity: 61.6686857
FInally is important to note this values are calculate in their current year. We must bring them to present day using the present value of a lump sum:



We add them and get the value of the stock: