The Iron in the molecule binds to the oxygen. Carbon Dioxide does not bind to a cell but rather, is carried in the blood as bicarbonate.
Zones in which interpersonal interactions can take place are known as proxemics
Edward Hall, a famous anthropologist coined the term ‘Proxemics. He was interested in understanding how humans use space in communication. Thus, proxemics is about the study how humans using space during their communication with others. It is about how close one stand to someone, whether one touches each other and how comfortable we feel are all part of the study of proxemics.
Homozygous being (TT): 50%
Heterozygous being (Tt): 50%
Hetero- different
Homo- the same
Option B) functions to increase sodium reabsorption.
Aldosterone is an hormone secreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland is situated at the superior poles of the right and left kidneys.
Aldosterone regulates sodium homeostasis and as such helps to control blood volume and blood pressure.
Aldosterone is secreted in response to decreased blood pressure (hypotension) to increase sodium reabsorption from urine, sweat, and the gut. Also excessive aldosterone levels (too high sodium) can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension).