'Single Character'
A Character, commonly abbreviated as "char", is a computer symbol, letter, or number. A keyboard is an input device that inputs a character when a key is pressed.
Open ended investigation
The above is an example of an open ended investigation. In understanding what an open ended investigation is, we first of all need to understand what open endedness means. Open endedness means whether one solution or answer is possible. In other words it means that there may be various ways and alternatives to solve or answer a question or bring solution to an investigation.
From the definition, we can deduce that an open ended investigation is a practical investigation that requires students to utilize procedural and substantive skills in arriving at conclusion through evidence gathered from open ended research or experiment(as in not close ended, not limited to ready made options, freedom to explore all possibilities). This is seen in the example question where students are asked to explore the different examples of physical controls and displays and also discuss their observations. Here students are not required to produce a predefined answer but are free to proffer their own solutions
the answer is "Paper-based Accounting"
The output of the program is 10.
def mult(a, b = 1, c = 1):
print(a * b * c)
mult(2, 5)
<h3>Code explanation:</h3>
The code is written in python.
- A function is declared named "multi" and the function has parameter of a, b and c. The default value of b and c are 1.
- Locally, we print the product of a, b and c.
- Finally, we call the function with its inputted parameters. Notice we only had 2 argument while calling the function. This simply implies that the default value for c is used. Therefore, we will have 2 × 5 × 1 = 10
learn more on python here:
for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {
The i variable is the loop dummy. The code block will be executed 3 times.