C) behavioral isolation
The mechanisms of reproductive isolation that prevent the formation of a zygote by interbreeding between the individuals of two different species are called pre-zygotic isolation mechanisms. Behavioral isolation is one of such pre-zygotic isolation mechanisms. It includes the exchange of specific signals between the individuals of the same species before mating. Such specific courtship behaviors represent behavioral isolation.
Different species of fruit flies exhibit specific courtship behaviors such as fighting and display to attract the females of the same species only. These signals are not identified by females of the other species. It represents behavioral isolation.
Seymour Benzer used phage T4 mutants, Experimental
evidence that a gene is a linear sequence of nucleotide pairs. Some regions of
chromosomes have "hot spots" for mutations. Benzer's experimental
approach to fine structure mapping of the rII locus. Generated 1612 spontaneous point mutations
and several deletions in rII locus identified two complementation groups, rIIA
and rIIB. Mapped locations of deletions
relative to each other using recombination.
Mapped locations of point mutations relative to the deletions. Tested
for recombination between all point mutations within the same complementation
Fossils are the preserved remains, or traces of remains, of ancient animals and plants
On the exterior of the cell.
The black spots as mentioned in the given case would appear on the exterior of the cell after three hours, which suggests that the proteins or the enzymes had been discharged from the pancreatic cell. The mentioned method of labeling and then chasing the component is known as a pulse-chase experiment.
In this experiment, the labeled compounds are used to follow the dynamics of cellular pathways and procedures. The molecules in a cell get produced and degraded spontaneously at various rates. These changes in the localization of the molecule and its expression levels with time can be determined by exposing or pulsing cells to a labeled compound.
After this the cells are exposed sequentially to the same compound unlabeled, the process is termed as the chase. The compounds are generally labeled with fluorescent dyes or radioisotopes.
Breathing, moving blood throughout the body, and so forth.