Microbes. Bacteria, for example, convert nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the air into usable components that plants and animals can use as essential building blocks. A loss of all microbes would be terrible news for living organisms that can't create or take in these essential nutrients on their own.
A person with blood type AB as the genotype AB
A person with blood type A could have the genotype AA or AO. A person with blood type B could have the genotype BB or BO. A person with blood type AB as the genotype AB. And a person with blood type O has the genotype OO.
The wise use of crop genetic diversity in developing improved crops can contribute significantly to protecting the environment. Crop varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases can reduce the need to apply harmful pesticides. More vigorous varieties can better compete with weeds, reducing the need for applying herbicides .
60 chromosomes, and 29 pair of autosomes.