A is correct
grain is one of the main meals for the roman and they do not have very well suported crops
Rules of punctuation, capitalization, and spacing of English words were developed during the middle ages by priests and monks.
<em>Actually these rules were developed by scribes, that could be monks and priests, in the middle ages.</em>
a) the fourteen's woodrow wilson point tried to explain circumstances on first world war although the points was not touched directly however one point focus on german to be the causatives of the war and this was highly considered while other point nagleted ,the versailles peace treaty was based to discuss on the issue of restore the world peace so that may avoid the occurance of the another war although the participants (victory) comes with their motives of punishing germany that's why the treaty was reversed to 14 woodrow's points
b) the cartoon represent germany and his colleagues on harsh punishment after being seemed to be the source of the war
c)the teams lead to the war since the resolution of the war has undermined germany and his Alli,for example his colonies has being swiped out of control, disarmarment police,and paying of war debt weakened his economy which inturn her people complaining on life hardship hence rised people like adolf hitler which demand right by invading other country which swept the word peace and leave the room for another war
womens right to vote
Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. The 19th amendment legally guarantees American women the right to vote.
The answer is Nomadic pastoralists who lived on the steppe lands of southern Russia.
According to the Kurgan theory—which is the most popularly accepted theory regarding the early origins of the Indo-Aryans—the Indo-Aryans originated as a result of their activities as nomadic pastoralists who domesticated their horses and used chariots to expand their regions (as early as 3000 BCE) until they lived throughout the steppe Iands of then Eastern Europe; this region was around Southern Russia which came into existence hundreds of centuries later.