We require to keep our water supply clean because we imbibe that water. If our water supply wasn't unsullied, we would die of dehydration. Another reason is that without water, all the crops would die and we wouldn't have any aliment to victual and so we would withal die of hunger.
Los puentes de Hidrógeno, se forman por átomos de Hidrógeno localizados entre átomos pequeños muy electronegativos, cuando un átomo de Hidrógeno está unido covalentemente, a un átomo electronegativo, Oxígeno, Nitrógeno o Flúor, el átomo con mayor electronegatividad atraerá hacia si los electrones del enlace, formándose
si esta respuesta te ayudo, me calificas con 5 estrellitas te lo agradeceria <3
Because as people get old its easier to get diabetes.
An adaptation is a trait an animal has, physical or behavioral, that helps it survive or act in unique ways.
Yes, without homeosatasis a human cannit survive. In order to live we must have a stable internale enviroment