within the cartilage divide and secrete new matrix
Chondroblasts also called as perichondrial cells form chondrocytes which are the cells of cartilage. They also secrete the cartilage matrix which forms the cartilage. This matrix consists of collagen, fibers, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, water and glycoproteins.
They divide within the formed cartilage too to secrete new matrix. They are called chondrocytes when they become a part of cartilage matrix. Here they grow the cartilage matrix by secreting more extracellular matrix rather than dividing. Once the cartilage formation is completed it is composed 10-20% of collagen fibers, 65-80% of water and rest is made by proteoglycan-hyaluronic acid aggregates.
Answer: d. all of the above
ATP is the short form of Adenine tri phosphate. ATP is a fuel that is used by the cell in different processes and activities. ATP is formed in the process of respiration in which glucose molecule is broken down with or without the use of oxygen. If oxygen is used more ATP i. e. 38, are produced while without oxygen less ATP i. e. 2, are produced.