1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsace-Lorraine
2.Kaiser Wilhelm II (1859–1941) was determined to build up Germany’s navy because a large and powerful navy was essential to expansion. In the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, Germany’s government espoused expansionist aims and pursued expansionist policies. In sum, these policies were known as Weltpolitik, meaning "world politics." As the name hints, the general idea was to make Germany a world power by expanding outward and building an empire. Geopolitics dictated that this had to be an overseas empire, so a masterful navy was essential to traversing the seas and securing control of other regions via the seas. One of the key figures in expanding the German navy was Admiral von Tirpitz, who did so with the support and encouragement of the Kaiser and most of the Reichstag.
3.While there are many reasons why Britain became the first industrialized nation in the world, the main geographical reason concerns the location and accessibility of Britains coal deposits. Britain's coal deposits were easily accessed, and navigable waterways ensured that coal was easily transported to urban centers. The main social reasons stem from the fact that Britain had a large population that could work in the factories and a stable government.
Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Giovanni Boccaccio.
His main proposal for creating a strong economy was to open a national bank, the Bank of the United States. It could safely keep the federal government´s funds and build ties between the US government and the wealth of citizens. There was a debate around the issue of whether the Constitution allowed the existence of such an institution. One of the Hamilton´s opponents was Thomas Jefferson. However, president George Washington liked the idea, supported Hamilton and the bank was created.
I would think that's true. Having the means to create more products would lead to an increase in trade, assuming the products are not meant solely for domestic use.