One ironic outcome of the immense wealth Spain acquired - and ultimately squandered - with the colonization of the New World was to make rich others. Great wealth allowed the Spanish kings to fight wars in Europe: against France, in the Netherlands, in Italy and against the Turks in the Mediterranean. But on the other hand, large amounts of those riches - gold, silver - ended in the pockets of the European bankers who had given credits to the Spanish kingdom. Because it lost some wars, Spain had to pay indemnizations and reparations to victors, too. At the same time, much of the treasuries belonging to Spain were stolen by British pirates who attacked and robbed the huge fleets of <em>galeones</em> transporting gold to the Spanish ports. As a Latin American historian once wrote, "Spain had the cow, but others drank the milk."
Henry Morrison Flagler (businessman from the late 19th and early 20th centuries) was a visionary: he built a railroad and a road across the Florida Key, all the way to Key West, the southernmost island in the chain and he planned to buy the Bahamas and continue the road and the railroad across the Bahamas. There, he believed in the power of money so much! Some prominent rich people began to build magnificent holiday palaces during the first two decades of the 20th century, thus creating the "Millionaire's Row." It was a signal to all the rich and eager for a nice climate to settle in Florida, and that settlement has never stopped ...
Their land will be sold
The Code of Hammurabi was the first code of laws from Babylon, and it authorised throughout the kingdom to maintain law and order in society. The code of Hammurabi written by the Babylonians, and it approached matters like slavery, inheritance, trade regulations, and debt. It also discusses the issue of punishments and crime laws to the people who violated the law and peace in society.
Soviet propaganda depicted dictador Joseph Stalin as a wise and effective leader, practically infallible. He was referred to as a great Marxist-Leninist thinker; his quotes and speeches were used as guidelines for right actions for Communist Party members and citizens. Propaganda efforts sought to portray him as a hardworking comrade who tirelessly worked for the well-being of Soviet people, someone who cared about the workers, peasants, children, women, etc.
We have to agree with the phrase "Visuals are more powerful than words," because a picture, a movie or a graphic composition will get more attention and will better convey an idea or message.
Soviet posters with carefully crafted images of comrade Stalin occupied an important place in communist propaganda.