Land breeze blows during the night from land to sea and the land becomes cooler faster than the sea. The air above the sea becomes less dense (i.e. warmer) and rises. The cooler air from the land moves in to take its place. Sea breeze: Sea breeze blows during the day and the land heats up faster than the sea
Answer: B. under use; it is a scarce resource.
Early settlers in the town of Dry Gulch drilled wells to pump as much water as they wanted from the single aquifer beneath the town. (An aquifer is an underground body of water.) As more people settled in Dry Gulch, the aquifer level fell and new wells had to be drilled deeper at higher cost.Residents of Dry Gulch have a private incentive to under use water because it is a scarce resource.
C. Mitosis,
Zygote developed into a multicellular organism......Mitosis
Identical daughter cells produced...Meiosis
Damaged cells in wounds....Mitosis
Reduction in Chromosomes number of daughter cells....Meiosis
Las hormonas pertenecen al grupo de los mensajeros químicos, que incluye también a los neurotransmisores y las feromonas. A veces es difícil clasificar a un mensajero químico como hormona o neurotransmisor.
Todos los organismos multicelulares producen hormonas, incluyendo las plantas (En este último caso se denominan fitohormonas).