<span>hello there hester , i would say needed to form cell membranes</span>
Parasite: Parasites are different from predators because parasites only take resources from one host, whereas predators eat many prey. A good example of this is the trematode parasite Schistosoma mansoni. An adult schistosome parasite lives inside of just one human host
They are example of organelles
The answer is hydrolysis.
The word hydrolysis comes from two Greek words:
hydro - water
lysis - to unbind
So, hydrolysis is a reaction of breaking apart (unbinding) large molecules using water. For example, sucrose or table sugar is disaccharide made of two monosaccharides: fructose and glucose. Hydrolysis of sucrose means that water molecule break apart sucrose, i.e. unbind fructose and glucose.