True water from nature has no taste
Cerebral cortex
1. Emotion can invoke an autonomic response.
2. Sexual thoughts or image which can increase blood flow to the genitals.
1. It activates the flight or fight response.
2. It is the major control of ANS.
3. It is the integrating center for thermoregulation.
1. It is integrating centers for reflexes which control heart rate and blood pressure.
2. It is the integrating center for pupillary reflex
Spinal cord
1. It is the integrating center for urination, erection, defecation and ejaculation reflexes.
By using a genetic diagram or a punnett square, we can show the the result of a cross between RR and rr.
The result of the genotypes should all be Rr.
This means all their offsprings should have the dominant trait being expressed.
Therefore, the percentage to this should be 100%.
The picture above is an example of using a punnett square finding the possible genotypes of the offsprings.