C. If the employer doesn't know much about your personality, they won't know if your a good match, so that's what an interview does.
Because he expects students to do good research and present their findings with consistent data and arguments. In other words, he has a lot of expectations for the class and believes in the students' potential, so he wants to stimulate them.
Mr. Hustead believes that his students have great academic potential and he wants to encourage that. For this reason, he asks students to prepare to present their findings to friends, so he expects students to research and study what they have discovered by being able to make a presentation filled with relevant and consistent information with a strong academic quality.
The Secretariat carries out the substantive and administrative work of the United Nations as directed by the General Assembly, the Security Council and the other organs. At its head is the Secretary-General, who provides overall administrative guidance.
1. b. obszerny księgozbiór
2 b. księga rodzaju
3. d. kanaan
4. b. chrześcijan
5. c. 40 lat
Terrible reinforcement is a method that can be used to assist train precise behaviors.
Negative reinforcement, something uncomfortable or in any other case unsightly is taken away in reaction to a stimulus. over the years, the target behavior should boom with the expectation that the ugly component can be taken away. The act of administering an aversive effect is called: punishment. instances of taking flight or failing to provide a reinforcing outcome is called: extinction.
This idea grew from Thorndike's “law of impact” which said that a behavior that is accompanied by means of satisfactory or ideal effects is probable to be repeated, while conduct this is accompanied by way of unwanted outcomes is much less possibly to be repeated. The reinforcement idea states that an employer can affect and trade the of employees thru reinforcement, punishment, or extinction.
Learn more about reinforcement here:-brainly.com/question/8517742