Groupthink: The groupthink theory was originally proposed by the works of Irving Janis in 1972.
The term groupthink is considered as a psychological phenomenon that arises in a specific group consisting various people that desires or wants conformity or harmony in that particular group and often results in a dysfunctional or an irrational decision-making process or outcome.
Groupthink occurs due to the faulty or wrong decision made by the members of a group due to the need of being the group intact.
The answer is uncertainty avoidance. Uncertainty Avoidance is a cross-cultural value describing the degree to which people in a culture tolerate ambiguity (low uncertainty avoidance) or feel threatened by ambiguity and uncertainty (high uncertainty avoidance). In contrast, low uncertainty avoidance cultures accept and feel comfortable in unstructured situations or changeable environments and try to have as few rules as possible.
external cause
Elaina is showing a common phenomenon in social psychology:
the attribution to external causes, which means that she assigns the cause of a happening to situations that are external to her, and rather than assessing her performance in terms of her inner characteristics.
She could have also <em>expressed how her feelings and state of mind at that time played a part, but instead, she is making external attributions, like "judges being unfair by giving her all harder words".</em>
The attribution theory in social psychology see how people try to point out to more causes that are in the surroundings or external, and often this influences their motivations and behaviour.
If people make inferences why others behave in a certain way and they refer to the outside then, we speak of external causes.
Social perception and self-perception can have internal, external causes and often we are advised to seek motivations in any of these ways.
For not receiving any financial help from the grantees, senator Kauffman hands were not tied neither was he unburdened or pressured by the outside forces to undermine the white collar crime investigations.
Step-by-step explanation
In the US the elites that is the political class, bankers and the individual funders do have influence over the State representatives due to their huge donations used in campaigns. In this case Senator Kaufman did not campaign but rather was appointed hence he did not receive any financial help from any third party, therefore his only commitment was to deliver the work he was appointed for.
This differs from other leaders because their allegiance is swayed as they try to please their donors for example; elected officials who received donations from NRA went against the bills that would limit their access to particular weapons.