<h3>Atticus does not actually reprimand Scout for going with Calpurnia to church.</h3>
When Scout asked Atticus about what [email protected] is, she did mention that she asked the same question to Calpurnia while she and Jem went to church with her. Atticus does not say anything about the church but he only tries to explain what [email protected] actually meant because Calpurnia did not tell Scout when she asked her.
Atticus actually reprimands Scout for yelling at her Aunt Alexandria. She breaks the rule of no yelling and being disrespectful to others which makes Atticus angry.
Mayans had many breakthroughs in astronomy and mathematics. Priest studied the sky with observatories. They were able to track the movement of stars and planets with great accuracy. The Mayans used their observations to calculate the solar year. The Mayan figure for their year of 365.2420 days is amazingly precise.These calculations allowed the Mayas to create their solar calendar of 365 days. They also had a sacred 260-day calendar. Every 52 years, the first date in both calendars fell on the same day. This gave the Mayas a longer unit of time that they called a Calendar Round. For the ancient Mayas, this 52-year period was something like what a century is to us.
The Mayas also recognized the need for zero.
One of the Aztecs’ most remarkable technological achievements was the construction of their island city Tenochticlan. the aztecs enlarge the area of the city by creating artificial islands called chinampas. Today many people visit those chinampas and their flowers vendors. The aztecs adapted the Mayan solar and sacred calendars. The calendar was useful for farming , since it tracked the seasons. One of the most famous Aztec artifacts is a calendar called the Sun Stone. Dedicated to the god of the sun, this beautifully carved stone is nearly twelve feet wide and weighs almost twenty-five tons. The center shows the face of the sun god.
I think angels ......,..............
The Renaissance movement began in Italy and spread to other European nations from 1500 to 1688. Renaissance writers became inspired on the works produced by the Romans and Greeks during the ancient world. Renaissance writers believed that the arts, literature, learning and politics had flourished during the ancient times, and now they were reborn after the dark Middle Ages. In addition, the writers of the Renaissance reflected on their works a spirit of inquiry and exploration about the world, using the Greek and Roman writing styles as model.
The answer is that it can be used to enhanced arousal which is letter c because having to fantasize sexually enables to arouse a person and this will enhance the person's arousal once he or she has been exposed to this sexual fantasies on his or her mind.