Ram - Hi
Suriya - Hallo!
ram - how are you?
suriya - fine. how are you?
ram - fine
suriya - how is your new collage ?
ram - I love my collage. it's nice, my collage name is............................... collage. very nice education I got new friends
suriya - wow. nice
ram - how is your collage.?
suriya - the same nice very good education and very good teachers and friends
ram - OK bye! see you later
suriya - OK bye meet you
Curley attacks Lennie because he assumes that Lennie is smiling at him. Curley thinks that Lennie is enjoying the insults made at Curley's expense. The insults are about the hand that Curley keeps soft for his wife, the "Glove fulla vaseline" as Candy taunts.
In a paragraph, discuss how the character trait of determination in Jerry in "Through the Tunnel" advances the plot of the short story.
Explanation:(1) C (2) B (3)B
(4) simple four-line makes the poem easy to comprehend.