Absolute gonna get married fu. ck have children realize why the fu. ck did you do this and die at 95.
I blame charlie scene
Because the English measurement system has been in use for a very long time, it will be costly and time consuming to change from the English to SI units. Many technological measurements, products, and tools were developed in English units.
The cost of converting all measurements to SI units will be costly and will require a long period of time. Conversions between the English and the SI system of units appear to be more cost-effective than hardware changes.
It will be costly to convert designs for bridges, tunnels, locomotives, automobiles, and other hardware to the SI system. Although new designs are being performed in SI units, much useful hardware based on English units still remain.
Eventually, it is likely that complete conversion from English to SI units will happen, albeit slowly.
variations in the population
1st option, 2nd option, and third option.
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