Atmosphere and Hydrosphere are the answer. The atmosphere is a layer of gases that surrounds in the planet or other material inside the body that is held in place by the gravity of that body. There is also Atmosphere in earth or what we called Air, it is also a layer of gases. It is the whole mass of air that surrounds the earth so that we can breathe freely. Earth atmosphere contains 78% nitrogen, 0.9% argon, 21% oxygen and 0.03% carbon dioxide. Hydrosphere in the other side is all the water on the earth’s surface example are lakes, seas and sometimes including water over the Earth’s surface like clouds.
The folds of the mitochondria
Many Middle Eastern countries have been transitioning from largely rural living to urban living. City populations are growing quickly as people move to find jobs. However, environmental problems have come with this rapid urbanization. Many urban areas are experiencing air and water pollution. Air pollution is occurring due to the region's reliance on toxic energy sources, oil and gas. Oil and gas release emissions into the air when consumed by factories or cars. Cities are also experiencing water pollution issues due to a lack of waste treatment options. Without places to dispose of waste, people are dumping sewage and industrial waste into water sources. Finally, urban coastal areas are having problems with coastal degradation. Soil erodes and wildlife habitats are destroyed as land is changed for urban development.