The target heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute, this is resting heart rate. You can calculate your heart rate by lightly pressing on one of your veins where you feel a constant bump bump bump. Or you could also check your pulse on your neck, You find a certain spot on your neck where you feel the bump bump bump. Remember that your press light enough to only feel that bump. If you press too hard you could cut the circulation to that area. Next, once you have found your pulse checking spot you will set a timer for 30 seconds. Count how many bumps your feel within that 30 seconds. Once you got that number multiply by 2. Now you have your beats per minute!
I wanna say A but i put that answer and i gto it correct.
D. No child can be denied service
- Each doctor who has looked after you will file a claim, the document of the procedure that was performed and it’s cost for each service then the person’s claim examiner will view all the documents.
-If the information is not sufficient the examiner will ask for more documents before the claim can be paid.
-You can fill in the form online that will be provided on the website.
- The information within the claim file will be uploaded to the designated software
-Then they will retrieve ERAs and automatically post payments to the clients account
other types of dementia can find themselves gradually closed off from the world due to increasing cognitive dysfunction.