Enzymes serve as catalysts to many biological processes, and so they are not used up in reactions and they may be recovered and reused. However, in a laboratory setting, reactions involving enzymes can leave the enzyme unrecoverable. This process makes the enzyme at once less reactive but more stable.
Protozoan infection of the intestines. Giardiasis forms cysts and travel through the feces so anything that comes in contact with the feces and the animal has consumed it will host the parasite.
<em>B and C.</em>
The epidemiological triangle is an illustration of interaction among suitable hosts, disease agents, and the environment that drives successful outbreak of diseases.
In order to successfully tackle or reduce the incidence of a disease, the triangle has to be broken.
<em>In the case of malaria which is caused by plasmodium but spread through the female anopheles mosquito, one way of breaking the epidemiological triangle is to eliminate female anopheles mosquito in the environment using any possible means. This will stop the spread of the parasite and hence, the disease.</em>
<em>Another way to reduce/prevent malaria is to prevent the vector, female anopheles mosquito from getting to the host, the human populace. This can also be achieved by several possible means.</em>
Relocating the entire village to a neighbouring village might not break the epidemiological triangle as long as female anopheles mosquito still abounds. In the same vein, antibacterial drugs will not help to treat malaria. However, instructing residents on personal protective measures and controlling the vector through chemical larvicides will go a long way in breaking the triangle and reducing the incidence on the malaria disease.
<em>The correct options is B and C.</em>
A) Energy from Earth’s hot interior produces magma which then cools
and crystallizes into igneous rock.
Energy from Earth’s hot interior causes extreme temperature and pressure which produces magma. This magma is present in liquid state that cools and crystallizes into igneous rock. Metamorphic rocks are formed from other rocks due to high heat or pressure. Earth movements can cause rocks to go deeply into the earth which causes the rocks are heated and put under great pressure. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediment is deposited due to air, ice, wind, gravity, or water flows carrying the particles in suspension.