HIPAA refers to the <span>Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. (You can give some background information about the act).
Now, to the main question. T</span><span>he steps a medical assistant can take to ensure HIPPA compliance in handling patient information are outlined as follows
1. Protected Health Information (PHI) should be kept secure and private (either on pass-worded computers or paper files and charts always safely locked up when not in use).
2. Keep strictly to the office policy, and ensure full implementation of laod down procedures. Refresher trainings may also be helpful.
3. Patients should be informed of their rights when their information is being taken and the medical assistant should support those rights.
4. D</span><span>on’t volunteer patient's information to outside companies/entities or allow them access to it, except with the patient's consent.
C. personal study________________
Oxytocin, a posterior pituitary hormone. (Ans A)
Oxytocin is known as a posterior pituitary hormone that helps to stimulate strong contractions during labor pain and help to dilate the cervix, push the baby downward and out through the birth canal, drag out of the placenta, and restrict the bleeding at the placental site.
During the birth process, against the cervix, the pressure of the baby and then against the pelvic floor tissues helps to promote contractions and oxytocin hormone. Low levels of oxytocin hormone can cause several problems such as after birth excessive bleeding at the placenta site, contractions slow or stop and making labor time take longer, etc.
The statement is True. Culturally sensitive care is based on respect, knowledge and negotiation.
- Culturally sensitive care is provided by health care providers based on respect and knowledge of the culture of the patient.
- Culturally health sensitive care focuses on patient centered care wherein patients are cared for irrespective of their culture and beliefs.
- The health care providers respect the culture and beliefs of the patients and keep their interests before looking at what culture of belief they come from.