<span>March 4, 1933, was perhaps the Great Depression's darkest hour. The stock market had plunged 85% from its high in 1929, and nearly one-fourth of the workforce was unemployed. In the cities, jobless men were lining up for soup and bread. In rural areas, farmers whose land was being foreclosed were talking openly of revolution. The crowd that gathered in front of the Capitol that day to watch Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inauguration had all but given up on America. They were, a reporter observed, "as silent as a group of mourners around a grave."</span>
A lung disease caused by silica dust, a type of toxic dust from coal mines.
Last Saturday I visited your showroom in Springfield and ordered an oak desk and two matching three-drawer filing cabinets for my study. When I arrived home this evening, I found the furniture had been delivered in my absence, but the filing cabinets were the four-drawer style. Unfortunately, I can use only the three-drawer style because I lack room for anything higher.
I will appreciate having these cabinets picked up and exchanged for the ones I ordered as soon as possible. Please call to arrange a time when I will be home. I trust this matter can be resolved very quickly, so I can get my files organized soon.
you have to include the rules with the question