Tortoise differ from turtles in four aspects, but the most important is that tortoises are terrestrial and turtles are from the sea: First, turtles live only 15 to 20 years, the longest 30 years, while tortoises live 100 years on average, reaching one up to 180 years. Second, the turtle has the soft shell to swim, while the tortoise has hard shell to defend itself on land. Third, tortoises are animals with long paws and nails, while turtles have fins and can not walk ashore; finally the turtles are peaceful and calm, while tortoises are adapted to a hostile environment and are brave and ferocious animals.
Haigh who was succeeded in command of the first army by general Charles Carmichael monro.
A spillway<span> is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a </span>dam<span> or </span>levee<span> into a downstream area, typically being the river that was dammed. In the UK they may be known as </span>overflow channels<span>.</span>
Each Incident Command System (ICS) General Staff is led by a <u>Section Chief</u> his function is to direct all the actions that are necessary to achieve the incidents objectives. Also the section chief, collect all the information, mainly the one referred to the status of the incident and the status of the resources.
Indian Massacre Alienated the natives further and they laid siege to the jamestown Fort for several months, When the americans attacked it resulted in the death of 347 native americans