Because the majority of cell differentiation occurs during the EMBRYONIC phase, .................. The embryonic stage of pregnancy is the period after implantation during which all the important organs and structures in the growing fetus is formed. Tetratogens are factors that caused malformation of embryo. Exposure to tetratogens during embryonic stage cause most destructive damages.
First move the x from the right side to the left by subtracting. 3x-6+2x-x=-2. combine like terms. 4x-6=-2. add six to both sides. 4x=4. divide 4 on both sides. x=1. hope this helped!
Helikazlar tüm canlılar için hayatî önem taşıyan bir enzim sınıfıdır. Nükleik asitlerin fosfodiester omurgası üzerinde hareket ederek birbirlerine hidrojen bağlarıyla bağlanmış nükleik asit ipliklerini (DNA'nın, RNA'nın veya RNA-DNA hibritlerinin) ayrıştırır.
Asteroid-small,rocky objects that orbit the sun
Axis-a real or imaginary line that something rotates on
Comet-cosmic balls of frozen gasses,rocks,and dust that orbit the sun
Diameter-a straight line that runs from one side of a figure and passes through the middle
Gravity-an invisible force that pulls objects towards each other
Kuiper Belt-an icy ring of frozen objects just outside of the planet Neptune’s orbit
Latitude-the measurement of distance north or south of the equator
Orbit-a regularly repeated path that one object in space takes around another
Revolution-the action of a celestial body going around in an orbit;the time taken by a celestial body to make a complete orbit;the rotation of a celestial body on its axis
Rotate-the process/act of turning or circling around something
Rotation-the action/process of rotating on/as if on an axis or center
System-a group of related things that work together as a whole
Theory-a plausible or scientifically acceptable principle/body of principles offered to explain something
1. Grass 2. Producers 3. Rabbit 4. Grasshoppers 5. Predator 6. Decomposing