Communicate with one another by means of solvent variables.
Numerous microbes are known to coordinate their pleasant activities and physiological techniques through a framework called majority detecting in which bacterial cells talk with each other by releasing, detecting and responding to minimal diffuse-able banner particles. The limit of microscopic organisms to give and carry on as a get-together for social correspondences like a multi-cell animal has given basic favorable circumstances to microbes in have colonization, plan of bio-films, guard against contenders, and acclimation to developing circumstances. Basically, various QS-controlled activities have been related with the hurtfulness and pathogenic capacity of microscopic organisms
research question: how do different humidity levels affect the heights of different types of trees
independent variable: humidity level
dependent variable: tree height
constants: temperature, light, duration of time
control group: tree left outside in normal conditions
Annelids have neither an external or an internal shell. Examples of annelids are
earthworms and leeches.
In order to create a hydroelectric power plant, you need water, hence the prefix hydro-. Most times, people use dams to block the water, which in a way stores it. When you need to produce electricity, you release some of the water which flows through a turbine making it spin, which then activates a generator to produce electricity.
They are both similar because they both replicate stuff and they are different because DNA replication is natural but DNA cloning is man-made.
hope it helps!