Gene, as such traits are passed down through genes
c replaces g. does not cause a frameshift mutation so it is not insertion or deletion, and i have no clue what corruption is when there is the word "replace" it is probably substitution.
Explanation:Climate is an important environmental influence on ecosystems. Changing climate affects ecosystems in a variety of ways. For instance, warming may force species to migrate to higher latitudes or higher elevations where temperatures are more conducive to their survival.
The surface layer of the water freezes solid creating a barrier that insulates the ice below so that it keeps a steady temperature usually a few degrees above freezing (32 degrees).
Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.