Answer: Fredrick Taylor
Explanation: in scientific management, the name of Fredrick Taylor always ring a bell but also he was regarded as the father of scientific management. He taught the ideas of always determining the best course of action to use when performing a
specific task. And the best method we have learn so far should be taught to our workers and expect them to use this best and efficient methods. Taylor's diverse contribution of knowledge has lead to increase in productivity and efficiency in employees (labour) and teamwork (together sharing ideas). His different theories in scientific management are widely Taylor's emphasesis was really on an employer creating an efficient method of management, directing and assigning workers to their area of speciality or where they are good at and good supervision or follow up.
1. If you're walking somewhere, walk on the RIGHT side, NOT the left (If you're American :) If you're not American and it's normal for you to drive on the left side, then please also walk on the left side)
2. Don't chuck your trash at the tree. If you have trash, put it in a trashcan. If you see trash, put it in a trashcan.
3. If you're going to use profanity, do it quietly, please. It makes the rest of us uncomfortable.
4. When wearing earbuds or headphones, make sure that other peeps can't hear it.
5. SUPER SIMPLE but SOME brains can't get this: just be overall respectful to others. You don't know them or their situation, so leave them be.
6. Last one and it's small. Hold open doors for people right behind you. Don't pull a sneaky ninja right before the door closes and make the other person open the door.
The US borders Mexico, so if Mexico became a part of the axis powers the US would have to fear an attack on its mainland (from either Mexican forces or other axis forces stationed in Mexico), whereas if Mexico remained neutral the US mainland would be safe.
Answer: Many thinkers have pointed out that philosophy is a search for wisdom.
The German philosopher Josef Pieper advocates this idealistic approach in defining philosophy as the search for wisdom. This principle is also present in the ancient philosophers Pythagoras and Plato, who said that philosophy is a quest for wisdom with a huge love dose. Philosophy as a quest for wisdom at the beginning of that quest emphasizes that no one can have complete and absolute knowledge of the things he seeks. In this context, one must intensively search, read, and educate them to reach a certain level of wisdom.