The answer is mechanical weathering
The answer to the question is D
Proteins function optimally at a specific temperature. So if you get too hot or too cold, biochemical reactions in your body start to function less well. If the situation becomes extreme enough, they can cease to function well enough to sustain life.
Warm-blooded animals have an advantage over cold-blooded ones in that their bodies automatically try to maintain the optimal termperature for things in their bodies to function. Cold-blooded animals depend on the environmental temperature to do this for them. That's why reptiles are very sluggish when they're cold, but will "wake up" when they get warm.
The cost to this benefit is that metabolically, warm-blooded animals require a lot more fuel to run their bodies. It's very energy-intensive to maintain a constant body temperature. Cold-blooded animals require far less fuel than warm-blooded ones relative to their size.
The way that proteins operate in a specific temperature is also true of the pH in your body which is also very tightly maintained.
A cell wall is a permeable layer found in plant cells which acts as a membrane through which water molecules can pass through while animal cells do not have cell walls.. they just have a cell membrane which is selectively permeable to some chemicals or substances.. water does not move from the region of higher to lower concentration in animal cells
In short, plant cells have cell walls that allow osmosis while animal cells do not have cell walls for osmosis to take place
hope it helps you :)
Instead in our hands... something else happens rills or groove shaped lines are formed in our fingers.. it is an adaptation for our body to provide for some friction in water...
In order for plants to make their own food, they must go through a process called photosynthesis. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of a cell. To begin this process, all items needed must go to the cells of a plant. Water and nutrient are absorbed from the soil through the roots. A tube called the xylem carries only water up the stem to the rest of the plant. Gas exchange in the plants occur in the tiny pores of a leaf called the stomata. This is opened and closed by the guard cells. The food produced by this process is called ATP and it is a macromolecule known as a nucleic acid.