can you do another post zooming it in
They go to the brain then sent out to the rest of your body
Well oxygen has 6 electrons in its outer shell and mg has 2. Oxygen need two to complete it's outer shell and mg needs to lose 2 to gain a complete out we shell.
Consuming tuna from a dented, bulging can. (Ans. C)
Botulism is a rare poison, and caused by a toxin which is known as clostridium botulinum. Botulinum requires emergency medical care because sometimes it can be fatal. It can spread through contaminated water, food, and by touching the surface area which is contaminated.
Symptoms of botulism includes:
1) Difficulties in speaking, and facial weakness.
2) Pain in the abdomen area.
3) Weak eye muscles.
4) Feeling dizziness.
5) Double vision or blurred vision.
The correct answer is C.
The egg sinks in freshwater because it is more dense than the water. So, to make the egg float, you would have to increase the density of the water. Since salt water has a greater density than freshwater, you would add salt to the freshwater, thus causing the egg to float rather than sink.