<span>Error bars within treatments illustrate confidence intervals, standard errors, standard deviations or other quantities. However, different types of error bars exist, so figure legends must be sure to distinguish which error bar is being represented. </span>
Answer: The European Union's most important water pollution act is called Water Framework Directive.
The demand for clean lakes and rivers, coastal beaches and groundwater by the environmental organizations and the citizens the commission made water conservation a chief priority under which the Water Framework Directive was made. The Water Framework Directive has some of key objectives like expansion of the scope of water protection for all types of water sources, water managements on the basins of rivers, ensuring proper quality standards, involvement of citizens and correct pricing etc.
Bacteria that are non-controlled or destroyed by antibiotics are antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In the presence of an antibiotic, they will live and even develop. At least certain antibiotics can become immune to most infection-causing bacteria.
Some bacteria are immune to such antibiotics naturally. In most species found within the human digestive system, for example, benzylpenicillin has very little impact.
A good way to reduce acid rain is use less fossil fuels, as they cause pollution which results in acid rain.