An organism that makes its own food with only the help of sunlight would be and Autotroph, i think thats your answer
Wet climates obviously have more water than driers climates. Metals, when subject to water have the tendency to oxidize (rust). Therefore, if water is barely present in a climate, then oxidation is also least likely to occur.
This law is called Mendel's second law, or the Law of Independent Assortment.
The law is derived from observations of dihybrid crosses. A classic example involves seed shape and color in garden peas. The shape may be round (caused by a dominant allele, denoted by R) or wrinkled (recessive, r). The wrinkling is caused by a mutation preventing the formation of branches in starch molecules. The color of the seeds may be yellow (dominant, Y) or green (recessive, y). The green color results from a variant sequence in a gene; the seeds fail to develop normally.
Parentals are RRYY and rryy.
The F1 plants are RrYy.
The F2 plants show independent segregation of the alleles for the two characteristics, shape and color. A Punnett grid predicts a 9:3:3:1 ratio for the phenotypes round yellow, round green, wrinkled yellow, and wrinkled green.
The building blocks of proteins are amino acids, which are small organic molecules that consist of an alpha (central) carbon atom linked to an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom, and a variable component called a side chain
- Interspecific competition between sea urchins and Stellar's sea cows
- Predation fo sea urchins by sea otters
As urchins and Stellar's sea cows feed on seaweed, since these algae are low in quantity, these two organisms end up competing for food, creating an inter-specific competition, which occurs when two organisms compete for the same resource within a same ecological niche. However, as the hedgehog has advantages in this niche, this competition was interrupted.
The otters' predatorism in relation to sea urchins was also interrupted, as the otters reached a very low population level, failing to control the hedgehog population and generating an environmental imbalance.