Cross-sectional research: In cross-sectional research, the experimenter or the researcher examines a group of people, specific context, and a social phenomenon with the help of a sample. The cross sectional-study or research is also known as transverse study, prevalence study, etc. This is a type of an observational study, that examines a particular population data in a specific time.
1. Cost-effective
2. Easy to gather and assess data.
3. Less time taking.
In the give question, Dr Cross is studying the relationship between age and dependency/independence using cross-sectional research.
B. Lima
Lima is the capital of modern day Peru in South America and its NOT in the Caribbean Ocean.
home,summer camp,football teacher and learn social skills and abilities
In a bicameral legislature, the legislators (law-makers) are divided into two chambers (camera means chamber in latin), so that each law can be voted on and checked twice. In a bicameral system the laws need aproval of over half of each chambers (but sometimes a two-thirds majority of one of the chambers can overrule the other chamber's lack of approval).