The Articles of Capitulation of Quebec were agreed upon between Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Roch de Ramezay, King's Lieutenant, Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, and General George Townshend on behalf of the French and British crowns during the Seven Years' War. They were signed on 18 September 1759, shortly after the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.[1]
All 11 demands of De Ramsay were granted by the British Army: the honors of war, the protection of the civilians and their properties, the free exercise of the Roman Catholic religion, etc. Several months later, on 28 April 1760, the French Royal Army attempted to retake Quebec City, at the Battle of Sainte-Foy. Although victorious in battle, the French were unable to retake the city due to a lack of naval support. He was prompted to lift the siege after the French Navy was defeated at the Battle of Neuville.
Nearly a year after the Articles of Capitulation for Quebec was signed, the government of New France capitulated in Montreal after a two month British campaign on 8 September 1760.
Sebastian Munster (1488-1552) was one of the most influential mapmakers of the ... Geographia had a huge impact on man's understanding of the world. ... The work included woodcut views and maps of countries and cities around ... time of Ptolemy, so there is no "New World," just Europe, Asia and Africa. Which the maps helped people get around and know where they were going.
To prevent war, the 2nd Continental Congress made one more try to prevent war with England. They sent a message to King George. To prepare for war the Continental Congress would appoint George Washington as Commander In Chief and act as a central government and put together an army for the colonies defense.