BitTorrent protocol
BitTorrent is a system that allows the sharing of almost any file over the internet, being mainly used for the distribution of videos, music and software. It is quite popular because it is an easy tool to use and at the same time very efficient.
BitTorrent itself is actually a data sharing protocol and not a centralized system. There is no server providing the data, but a standard of communication between multiple computers that allows files to be located, distributed and retrieved by all. This protocol is very much used for pirate sharing of music and movies.
The answer is concrete laundry trays.
This is because as concrete trays ages with timeit becomes coarse and rugged due to water, soap and detergents. Their smoothness gradually fades with time, thus this makes it not as good regarding to health wise standards of living.
Answer: a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light.