Answer:this is for number 3. good mourning=bonjor
my name is =je m'appelle
so so=comme ci comme ca
nice to meet you=enchante
how are you=comment allez vous
Isabelle a beaucoup de beaux vêtements?
Oui, Isabelle a beaucoup de beaux vêtements.
Or :
Oui, elle en a beaucoup.
Or :
Non, Isabelle n'a pas beaucoup de beaux vêtements.
Or :
Non, Isabelle n'en a pas beaucoup.
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes a l'ecole.
En ce moment les enfants travaillent en grammaire.
Ce matin, tu recopies un exercice.
Besides the ending of the verbs, another give aways is the key words of time: Aujourd'hui (today), en ce moment (in this moment) and ce matin (this morning)
Ludovic va lui envoyer un bouquet de fleurs.
Je leur souhaite la bonne année.
Maman va le donner à mon petit frère.
Tu vas lui donner la robe bleue?
En échange, can u correct my texte because I'm french and it is my english homework pls?
Falling down- I want breakfast
We have just watched a video; it is a scene from the movie “Falling down”. A man enters a fast-food restaurant to order breakfast. The waitress refuses him because the breakfasts are no longer served. She offers him lunch. The man gets angry and asks what she calls the manager. He comes in and tells him the same thing, that they stop serving breakfast at 11:30. It’s 11:31. They force him to have lunch, we do not take him into account. They do not ask him for his opinion. This lack of respect, even though he is a customer, that he will pay, drives him crazy. He pulls out a weapon. Everyone is scared! And he asks for breakfast again, the answer is "yes, sire." So, he changes his mind, and decides to choose lunch. He teases people because he made an attack in the fast food for his breakfast and now, he doesn’t want it.