<span>The above scenarios is an example of PHISHING, a category of social engineering.
Phishing is defined as an attempt to get confidential information like credit card details, usernames and passwords by presenting itself as a trusted entity in an electronic communication.
A lot of phishing incidents have already been happening in the real world and lots of money from bank accounts have been stolen because the thief will then assume the electronic identity of the owner and make unauthorized transactions. </span>
In this case the perfect tender rule
b. does not apply.
The perfect tender rule has certain exceptions where it cannot be applied to the tender parties and the probates of the tender.
If there is a government ruling against the use of certain products that are necessary for the tender to be completed and the outlaw happens after the tender is signed but before it is completed as a consignment then it cannot be done.
This would come under the ambit of an emergency where the governed ruling makes such deals null and void.
Singular command. In a motor vehicle accident with multiple victims, the scene will be chaotic and having a single, clear leader will best help resolve the situation.
Answer: 24 months
The law of the state allows for periods more than 24 months, a 2 years of conversion privilege is required by federal law.
<span>When museums charge a lower admission fee to students and senior citizens, this form of pricing is known as price discrimination.
Price discrimination is a way of changing the prices for something based on time of day, amounts sold, or who they are sold to. This type of discrimination is done to try and maximize profits in the largest way possible. </span>