Eye Color.
You inherited your eye color and genes from your parents. You can easily change how fast you drive, your accent and your food preferences no matter who you're related to.
Have a great day!
O ácido pirúvico é transportado para as mitocôndrias através de um cotransportador de ácido monocarboxílico e, em seguida, é metabolizado por PDH em acetil-CoA. O metabolismo do acetil-CoA segue o caminho descrito anteriormente
I think It's the Answer B
<u>Phytochemicals</u> are the compounds which gives color and taste to the food.
Phytochemicals are chemicals which occur naturally in plants which enhance taste or color when added to food. They are commonly found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans.
These are the unique chemicals that give carrots their bright orange color, the searing hotness to the peppers, the bright blue color to the blueberries, the unique flavor to onions, etc.
There are many types of phytochemicals like carotenoids (carrots), flavinoids (apple), anthocyanins (berries), polyphenols (tea), reservatrol (wine), sulfides (onion), isothiocyanates (cabbage), quercetin (apple), proanthocyanidins (grapes), terpenes (cherries), leutins (green leaves) etc.
Phytochemicals are natural chemicals which behave like antioxidants and prevent many diseases like cancer.