You may miss the symptoms but there are symptoms and they can be detected and life threatening. Especially if we consider AIDS as an STD.
I believe the answer to be B. False
Answer:You will always be in my heart.
Explanation:There is a full commercial on Utube that shows it.
A. is not true, some prescription medications are addictive. Oxycodone and other pain killers are addicting and they are prescription
b. They can provide relief from mild to serious symptoms is true
c. is not true, listen to any commercial for a prescription medication and listen for the side affect. They are sometimes worse than the diseases.
d. Not true. Prescription means that you must have a prescription from your Dr. and that prescription must be filled by a licensed pharmacist.
So B. is the best answer!
False, I suppose. However both, essentially. It depends on the psychological state of the person. They may either be emotionally scarred and sensitive to it in the future, enjoy watching it, or not be affected by it.
When setting you feel comfortable so you body starts to feel sleepy so you start to dose off to sleep.