4 min to 6 min
Most people have a four-to-six minute supply of oxygen in the body at any one time.
However, a group of people called the Bajau have divers who can stay underwater for as long as 13 min at depths of around 60 m.
There is still room for doubt because they can never be too sure whether there is evidence for life found in the graphite!
Breathing heavily after you have finished running a race is your body way of repaying an oxygen debt.
Any kind of exercise that is performed makes our muscles work harder. As a result, more calories get burned by these muscles. To burn the extra calories, more supply of oxygen is required by the muscles. As you exercise harder, the breathing increases and become heavier to bring more oxygen to the lungs. From the lungs, the oxygen is carried to the muscles which are burning more calories.
You breathe heavily at the end of a race to get enough supply of oxygen.
Answer 1:
Seismic waves, the waves of energy that travel through the Earth as a result of an earthquake can tell us a lot about the internal structure of the Earth because these waves travel at different speeds in different materials. There are two types of waves that travel through the Earth: p-waves and s-waves.
P- waves are faster and they can travel through both solids and liquids. S-waves are slower and cannot travel through liquids. For both kinds of waves, the speed at which the wave travels also depends on the properties of the material through which it is traveling.
Scientists are able to learn about Earth’s internal structure by measuring the arrival of seismic waves at stations around the world. For example, we know that Earth’s outer core is liquid because s-waves are not able to pass through it; when an earthquake occurs there is a “shadow zone” on the opposite side of the earth where no s-waves arrive. Similarly, we know that the earth has a solid inner core because some p-waves are reflected off the boundary between the inner core and the outer core. By measuring the time it takes for seismic waves to travel along many different paths through the earth, we can figure out the velocity structure of the earth. Abrupt changes in velocity with depth correspond to boundaries between different layers of the Earth composed of different materials.