Sea surface temperature provides fundamental information on the global climate system. ... SST is an essential parameter in weather prediction and atmospheric model simulations, and is also important for the study of marine ecosystems. SST data are especially useful for identifying the onset of El Niño and La Niña cycles
The importance of ecosystem stability is that if the ecosystem is not stable then it cannot survive. A current example of an unstable ecosystem in the Amazon Rain forest. It has been delt so much damage that it is begining to self destruct and kill itself as well as emit greenhouse gases instead of slowing them.
The part of the ATP cycle in which analogous on spending money is ATP is broken down by water to ADP, energy and P. ATP or adenosine triphosphate is defined as a nucleotide that performs many essential roles in the cells and it is also an energy source that is used in living things.
The infection could overtake the whole body and could even shut down the body killing everything in the body.